Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

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Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Giza Pyramids

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Giza Pyramids

The Giza Pyramid Complex, also called the Giza Necropolis, is the site on the Giza Plateau in Greater Cairo, Egypt that includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure, along with their associated pyramid complexes and the Great Sphinx of Giza. All were built during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. The site also includes several cemeteries and the remains of a workers village.

The site is at the edges of the Western Desert, approximately 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) west of the Nile River in the city of Giza, and about 13 kilometres (8 mi) southwest of the city centre of Cairo.

The Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Khafre are the largest pyramids built in ancient Egypt, and they have historically been common as emblems of Ancient Egypt in the Western imagination. They were popularised in Hellenistic times, when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is by far the oldest of the Ancient Wonders and the only one still in existence. – Wikipedia

Sphinx and Giza PyramidsGiza PyramidsGiza PyramidsGiza PyramidsSphinx and Giza PyramidsGiza Pyramids

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!


Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara

Saqqara, also spelled Sakkara or Saccara in English /səˈkɑːrə/, is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis. Saqqara contains numerous pyramids, including the world-famous Step pyramid of Djoser, sometimes referred to as the Step Tomb, and a number of mastaba tombs. Located some 30 km (19 mi) south of modern-day Cairo, Saqqara covers an area of around 7 by 1.5 km (4.3 by 0.9 mi).

At Saqqara, the oldest complete stone building complex known in history was built, the Pyramid of Djoser, built during the Third Dynasty. Another sixteen Egyptian kings built pyramids at Saqqara, which are now in various states of preservation. High officials added private funeral monuments to this necropolis during the entire Pharaonic period. It remained an important complex for non-royal burials and cult ceremonies for more than 3,000 years, well into Ptolemaic and Roman times. – Wikipedia

Was Imhotep, the Vizier of the 3rd Dynasty Pharaoh Djoser, who built the Step Pyramid also Joseph of the Old Testament, who was sold into slavery in Egypt? Come and learn more on the tour and see the sites at Saqqara for yourself!

Step Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at SaqqaraStep Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at SaqqaraStep Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at SaqqaraStep Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at SaqqaraStep Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at SaqqaraStep Pyramid of Djoser (Joseph) at Saqqara

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Imhotep = Joseph?

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Grain Bins of Joseph (?) and the Imhotep Museum

Large walled pits are in the ground around the Step Pyramid complex. Were these use to store grain during the time of Joseph/Imhotep? See these pits for yourself!

“And Joseph stored up grain in great abundance, like the sand of the sea, until he ceased to measure it, for it could not be measured.” Genesis 41:49

We will also visit the nearby Imhotep Museum. “The museum, which was named for the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep, was opened on April 26, 2006 by Suzanne Mubarak and Bernadette Chirac. Imhotep is credited with being the first Egyptian to build a monumental structure out of stone: Pharaoh Djoser’s step pyramid located at Saqqara, which was built during the 3rd Dynasty.

“In the entrance hall, the visitor is welcomed by a fragment of the Djoser statue on which one can read the name of the king and the architect Imhotep. This find was on loan from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and was exhibited only in the museum’s opening months.” – Wikipedia

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Grain bins of Joseph at SaqqaraGrain bins of Joseph at SaqqaraGrain bins of Joseph at SaqqaraStalls to sell the grain stored by Joseph (Imhotep)?Imhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, EgyptImhotep Museum at Saqqara, Egypt

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Museums in Cairo

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Museums in Cairo

On the tour we will visit the “Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities. It has 120,000 items, with a representative amount on display, the remainder in storerooms.” – Wikipedia

We will also visit the “Grand Egyptian Museum, also known as the Giza Museum, is an archaeological museum” which is currently under construction in Giza, Egypt if it’s open. Otherwise we will visit the “National Museum of Egyptian Civilization” which “is a large museum in the ancient city of Fustat, now part of Cairo, Egypt. The museum partially opened in February 2017 and will display a collection of 50,000 artefacts, presenting Egyptian civilization from prehistoric times to the present day.” – Wikipedia

By Mark Fischer - King Tut Burial Mask, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82924893Cairo Egyptian Museum Narmer PaletteCairo Egyptian MuseumCairo Egyptian Museum Moses and HatshepsutCairo Egyptian Museum ChariotCairo Egyptian Museum Chariot wheelCairo Egyptian Museum basketCairo Egyptian Museum

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Land of Goshen

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Zoan (Greek Tanis)

The tour will next drive into the eastern Nile Delta which was the Land of Goshen during the exodus. We will visit the area of Zoan/Tanis. “Psalm 78:12,43 identifies the “field of Zoan” as where Moses performed miracles before Pharaoh to persuade him to release Israel from his service… The Greek Septuagint in all of these verses uses the Greek name Τάνις Tánis; both Tanis and Tso’an are ultimately derived from the Ancient Egyptian name for Tanis, ḏꜥn.t” (Wikipedia)

“In the sight of their fathers [Moses] performed wonders in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan. When [Moses] performed his signs in Egypt and his marvels in the fields of Zoan.” – Psalm 78:12, 43

“Tanis, biblical Zoan, modern Ṣān al-Ḥajar al-Qibliyyah, ancient city in the Nile River delta, capital of the 14th nome (province) of Lower Egypt and, at one time, of the whole country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica) “Tanis is a city in the north-eastern Nile Delta of Egypt. It is located on the Tanitic branch of the Nile which has long since silted up.” (Wikipedia)

“Many who know of Tanis at all remember the city as portrayed in the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the famous film the city was buried by a catastrophic ancient sandstorm and rediscovered by Nazis searching for the Ark of the Covenant… In 1939 a French archaeologist named Pierre Montet brought Tanis into the 20th century after nearly a dozen years of excavations. He unearthed a royal tomb complex that included three intact and undisturbed burial chambers—a rare and marvelous find.

The tombs held dazzling funereal treasures such as golden masks, coffins of silver, and elaborate sarcophagi. Other precious items included bracelets, necklaces, pendants, tableware, and amulets.

“Had the Second World War not intervened, the royal burials of Tanis would have been as well, if not better, known that the tomb of Tutankhamun,” Ikram notes.” (National Geographic)

By Rama, CC BY-SA 3.0 fr, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=87623404By Larazoni (Ms Rafaèle) - https://www.flickr.com/photos/laraz/2037806147/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4673555Tanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of Goshen

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Traditional Mount Sinai

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

The Real Red Sea Crossing (Nuweiba, Egypt)

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

The Red Sea Crossing

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the people of Israel, ‘They are wandering in the land; the wilderness has shut them in.’ And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.” And they did so.” – Exodus 14:1-4

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.” – Exodus 14:21

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea, that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen.” So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal course when the morning appeared. And as the Egyptians fled into it, the Lord threw the Egyptians into the midst of the sea. The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen; of all the host of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea, not one of them remained. But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.” – Exodus 14:26-29

Is Nuweiba, Egypt on the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba the real Red Sea crossing? See the evidence for yourself on our tour and you decide! See how the Israelites were hemmed in and shut in by the mountains and wilderness with only one way onto the beach via the Wadi Watir dry riverbed. Learn about the research done in the past by Ron Wyatt, Dr. Glen Fritz and others into the Red Sea crossing location.

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Wadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptWadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptSunset at Wadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptSunset at Wadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptWadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptThe granite column that Ron Wyatt discovered and claimed that King Solomon erected at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, Egypt

Embark on an Epic Adventure through Ancient Egypt and the Real Exodus Route Tour!

Your Tour Guide

Step into a thrilling adventure with Andrew Jones, your seasoned guide, who has been relentlessly investigating the exodus journey since his middle school years. Andrew’s passion ignited when he learned about Ron Wyatt’s monumental discoveries – the true Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia and the authentic Red Sea crossing at Nuweiba, Egypt on the Gulf of Aqaba.

Since 2000, Andrew has plunged into Egypt’s enchanting mystery, traversing its land numerous times. The year 2016 marked a milestone when he had the privilege to explore the sites in ancient Midian, Northwest Arabia, including the genuine Mount Sinai.

With the veil lifted, Andrew embraced the opportunity, journeying through the terrains of Midian more than 20 times, amassing over 150 days of ground-breaking exploration. By February 2020, he had embarked on solitary journeys across Midian, covering an astonishing 20,000 miles, not including his explorations of Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

Our exclusive tours offer you unparalleled access to local boats, journeying across the Red Sea crossing, offering you a unique perspective of the historical site. This immersive experience is far more than a superficial photo opportunity at Mount Sinai or the Red Sea crossing. It promises a wealth of in-depth research into the exodus route, allowing you to tread the path the Israelites would have undertaken.

These tours are brimming with invaluable information gleaned from Andrew’s hands-on experience and meticulous research. You’ll delve into the varied theories surrounding the exodus route, weighing the advantages and drawbacks of each potential camping spot during the exodus. Engage with local traditions and the latest scholarly insights into the exodus.

Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the comprehensive research conducted by Andrew and others on the exodus route in Egypt and the location of Mount Sinai. Follow in the footsteps of Moses and the Israelites as they journeyed from the Land of Goshen in the Nile Delta in ancient Egypt to the authentic Mount Sinai in ancient Midian. Witness the rumored grain pits and the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, constructed by Imhotep, who some believe to be Joseph. Experience the sites, absorb the theories, and be the judge!

Guide and Exodus Researcher - Andrew JonesAndrew Jones' journey across the Land of Midian from 2016-2019Combined Egypt + Saudi Arabia tour of the exodus from Goshen to Mount SinaiAndrew Jones at the Pyramids of Giza.Andrew Jones exploring the exodus route wadis.

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Tour Itineraries

$3000 USD Saudi Arabia Mount Sinai Tour Only (5 days/5 nights)*

$3600 USD Ancient Egypt & Exodus Route Tour Only (6 days/7 nights)*

  • Day before the tour starts: Arrive in Cairo, Egypt sometime before tour starts.
    Arrive in Cairo. You will be picked up at the airport by our team. Overnight in Cairo (hotel included in the tour).
  • Day 1: Giza and Saqqara Pyramids and Imhotep museum (Start of Egypt Tour).
    Witness the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, the world’s oldest known stone structure, and the surrounding possible grain pits (known as the Southern Tombs). Further, enhance your understanding with a visit to the museum dedicated to Imhotep (currently under renovation but it could be open soon), the genius architect behind the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. A delightful lunch on the Nile River will serve as a soothing interlude to your day.Subsequently, we’ll journey back north to marvel at the iconic Pyramids of Giza, a remarkable testament to the ingenuity of the ancient world and a sight that continues to captivate global audiences. You will have the option to climb inside the Great Pyramid. Your day will be filled with the grandeur and mystery of these ancient architectural marvels. Dinner at the hotel. (Overnight Cairo)
  • Day 2: Cairo Museums.
    Devote the day to the exploration of two distinguished museums in Cairo, each holding invaluable insights into ancient Egyptian civilization. Our first stop is the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), which partially opened its doors in February 2017. This treasure trove holds thousands of artifacts spanning the breadth of Egyptian civilization, from prehistoric eras to contemporary times, including the royal mummies of 22 revered pharaohs.Following this, we’ll turn our attention to the famous Cairo Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, home to one of the world’s largest collections of ancient Egyptian artifacts. Alternatively, if the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) is operational, we’ll shift our exploration to this epicenter of archaeological findings. Touted as the largest archaeological museum globally, the Grand Egyptian Museum will exhibit a vast array of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including the complete Tutankhamun collection, with many pieces being unveiled for the first time.As evening descends, you’ll have the opportunity to indulge in a bit of retail therapy if you so choose. Both lunch and dinner will be served at local restaurants, providing a delicious sampling of Egyptian cuisine. (Overnight Cairo)
  • Day 3: The land of Goshen/The exodus route from Egypt.
    Embark on a voyage into the lush expanses of Goshen in the eastern Nile Delta region, and understand why it was known as the choicest land in Egypt (Genesis 47:6). As the afternoon unfolds, we’ll explore the archaeological remnants of ancient Tanis, a city in the northeastern Nile Delta of Egypt. As referenced in Psalm 78:12, “In the sight of their fathers [Moses] performed wonders in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan.” (Zoan translates to Tanis). If time allows we will also explore the site of ancient Avaris (Tell el-Daba), which once served as Egypt’s capital under the Hyksos reign.From the verdant Goshen, we’ll traverse the route believed to have been taken by the Israelites. As we make our way out of Egypt, we’ll pay a visit to Succoth, the first encampment of the Israelites. We’ll also explore a few proposed traditional Sea of Reeds crossing sites along Egypt’s eastern frontier. (Overnight in Ismailia or along the Bitter Lakes or flight to Sharm el Sheik and overnight in Sharm el Sheik.)
  • Day 4: Exodus Route/The traditional Mount Sinai.
    Journey from one proposed Red Sea crossing site at the Straits of Tiran to the traditional Mount Sinai. Alternatively, we will embark on a captivating overland journey from the Bitter Lakes, traversing the breadth of the Sinai Peninsula. Our route takes us into the heart of the Sinai Peninsula’s rugged remote majestic mountains. Here, we will explore the traditional Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine’s Monastery, along with the purported site of the Golden Calf Altar. Our day culminates with a drive to Nuweiba, where we catch our initial glimpse of the real Red Sea crossing. (Overnight in Nuweiba)
  • Day 5: At Nuweiba – The real Red Sea Crossing.
    As morning unveils itself, we’ll resume our captivating exploration of the authentic Red Sea crossing site at Nuweiba, Egypt – an important discovery credited to Ron Wyatt and substantiated by other researchers. We’ll approach the monumental pillar discovered by Wyatt, now proudly standing near the mountain periphery. He found a matching pillar in Saudi Arabia, asserting that these landmarks were established by King Solomon to memorialize the renowned crossing of the Red Sea.Our journey then leads us to a serene beach where you can gather seashells, soak your feet in the Red Sea’s soothing waters, and visualize the Israelites’ predicament, hemmed in by mountains, with the sea as their only conceivable escape route.As we make our way towards the northern region, we’ll pause at the entrance of Wadi Watir (Pi-HaHiroth), the singular access point to this beach from the archaic trade route that bridged the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt to Midian in Northwest Arabia. Experience firsthand the compelling geographic evidence which validates this location as the singularly plausible site for the Red Sea crossing.As the morning gives way to the warmth of the afternoon, we offer an enticing opportunity for those inclined towards underwater adventures. You can immerse yourself in the world beneath the waves, scuba diving and snorkeling in the same waters of the Red Sea crossing, all accessible directly from our hotel property. This optional venture is a wonderful chance to witness the underwater marvels and perhaps, gain a more profound connection to the historical significance of this locale. Discover maybe an ancient Egyptian chariot wheel and the vibrant marine life that inhabits these waters, creating a vivid juxtaposition against the backdrop of ancient history. (Overnight in Nuweiba)
  • Day 6: At Nuweiba – Explore Wadi Watir and the Wilderness of the Red Sea.
    Embark on an exhilarating Jeep exploration of a segment of the exodus route leading to the Red Sea crossing. Savor an authentic Bedouin lunch nestled within a serene desert oasis. Experience the thrill of a camel ride back to our vehicles, if you desire, or enjoy the ease of a Jeep transfer. As the day culminates, soak in the awe-inspiring sunset amidst the rugged mountains of the Sinai Peninsula. (Overnight in Nuweiba)
  • Day 7: Travel day (End of Egypt tour).
    For those going home, they will travel to Sharm El Sheikh for a flight back to Cairo to catch their international flights home.

Upcoming Tour Dates*

*The below dates are the on-the-ground tour dates. Everyone joining the tour needs to show up the day before the tour starts. Dinner and hotel stay that evening is included in the tour price.

2024-2025 Fall, Winter & Spring Tours

  • April 1-6, 2024 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on March 31st. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • April 8-12, 2024 – Sinai in Arabia Tour. Arrive in Tabuk on April 7th. Click here for tour details.
  • April 12-13, 2024 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.


  • May 20-25, 2024 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on May 19th. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • May 27-30, 2024 – Sinai in Arabia tour. Arrive in Tabuk on May 26th. Climbing Mount Sinai on May 28th is included in this special tour. Click here for tour details.


  • November 11-16, 2024 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on November 10th. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • November 18-22, 2024 – Sinai in Arabia tour. Arrive in Tabuk on November 17th. Click here for tour details.
  • November 22-23, 2024 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.


  • December 2-7, 2024 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on December 1st. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • December 9-13, 2024 – Sinai in Arabia tour.  Arrive in Tabuk December 8th. Click here for tour details.
  • December 13-14, 2024 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.


  • January 20-25, 2025 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on January 19th. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • January 27-31, 2025 – Sinai in Arabia tour. Arrive in Tabuk January 26th. Click here for tour details.
  • January 31-February 1, 2025 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.


  • March 3-8, 2025 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on March 2nd. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • March 10-14, 2025 – Sinai in Arabia tour. Arrive in Tabuk March 9th. Click here for tour details.
  • March 14-15, 2025 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.


  • March 31-April 5, 2025 – Ancient Egypt Exodus Route Tour. Arrive in Cairo on March 30th. Goshen to the Red Sea.
  • April  7-11, 2025 – Sinai in Arabia tour. Arrive in Tabuk April 6th. Click here for tour details.
  • April 11-12, 2025 – Optional Extension –  Climbing to the summit.

The itineraries can be changed by DiscoveredSinai.com based on ground conditions and other factors. If you have any questions you may contact us at info@discoveredsinai.com or you can call us at +1-916-258-7092. Or write to us at: Discovered Media, ATTN: Andrew Jones, 3032 Verwood Place, Roseville, CA 95747, USA.

Exclusive: Tour participants will receive via email links to download copies of all our digital material sold on DiscoveredSinai.com’s online store that is related to the exodus and Mount Sinai topics.

The right is reserved to make changes to the tour itineraries by the tour leaders as is deemed necessary. The right is reserved by the tour leaders to decline or accept any person as a tour participant. The right is reserved by the tour leaders to cancel the tour at any time due to security issues or other circumstances. DiscoveredSinai.com and or their agents, acting only as agents for the passenger in regard to travel in any form assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of default or any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or carrying out the arrangements of the tour.

Travel in foreign countries can be dangerous. The US State Department has had a Travel Advisory in effect for US citizens traveling to different parts of the Middle East. The most recent releases can be found on the US State Department website.
Read the Travel Advisories
The tour participants listed on this form agrees that they have read the Travel Advisories and understand that they are accepting full responsibility for travel to Egypt and the Middle East. DiscoveredSinai.com does not accept responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or change in services, sickness, strike, terrorism, war, quarantine, or other causes. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the tour participants. Registration and payment of reservation fees will be considered a request of this tour and acceptance of the terms and conditions listed here.

A 50% per person reservation fee is required at the time of registration.
Final payment of the remaining tour fee and full payment of any selected extensions are due 60 days before the arrival date for the tour selected.
The tour costs do NOT include tour participants' round trip airfare to the Middle East nor any visa fees to enter Egypt. For those requiring a single room and not share a hotel room please add the additional amount listed on the itinerary web page to the final payment (a final payment link will be provided to those that sign up). Payments are not tax-deductible.

Reservations canceled 30+ days prior to departure will be subject to a refund of monies paid except for $400 USD/person of the reservation fee. There will be NO refund for cancellations made less than 30 days prior to arrival date for the selected tour.

The tour participant is responsible for obtaining a valid passport and visas, and a scanned copy of the passport ID page is to be emailed to info@discoveredsinai.com 4 weeks before the arrival date for the selected tour.

Reservation Payment

You may also send the total amount to us via Zelle. Our email with Zelle is:

Or do a direct deposit into our bank account at a local Wells Fargo bank:

Name on account:
Andrew Jones
Checking Account Number:
2833 11 6680

Or if you need to wire our bank account from an American bank then you can use the above checking account number and the below routing number for Wells Fargo:

For international wire instructions please contact us directly.


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