Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

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Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Lake Van

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Kingdom of Urartu

Urartu is cognate with the Biblical Ararat. In Genesis 8:4 Noah’s ark is said to have landed in the “mountains of Ararat.” Urartu is a geographical region commonly used as the exonym for the Iron Age kingdom centered around Lake Van in the historic Armenian Highlands. The kingdom rose to power in the mid-9th century BC, but went into gradual decline and was eventually conquered by the Iranian Medes in the early 6th century BC.

Akhtamar Island on Lake Van with the Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Cross during spring time. On the lake’s eastern shores are the Impressive remains of a huge Urartu castle overlooking the lake. Nearby is the Van Museum the most important museum in the region featuring many artifacts from the Urartian era.

STS079-781-053 Lake Van, Turkey September 1996 Lake Van, the largest lake in the country of Turkey, can be seen in this southwest-looking low-oblique view. Located in eastern Turkey, Lake Van is a saline lake with no outlet. Lake Van is fed by numerous small streams, which descend from the surrounding mountains. The lake measures 75 miles (120 km) long, 50 miles (80 km) wide and covers an area of 1450 sq. miles (3755 sq. km). The waters of Lake Van are rich in sodium carbonate and other salts which are extracted by evaporation and used as detergents. The brackish waters support only one species of fish.Our tour group on Lake Van.Lake Van is the largest lake in Turkey. It lies in the far east of Turkey, in the provinces of Van and Bitlis in the historic Armenian highlands.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Noah’s Ark

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Noah’s Ark

The Durupinar boat-shaped formation (Noah’s ark) was discovered on Sept. 11, 1959, by Turkish Army Captain Ilhan Durupinar. This boat-shaped formation is believed to be the buried remains of Noah’s ark (Nuh’un Gemisi) that landed in the Mountains of Ararat according to the Bible (Genesis 8:4) and according to the Qur’an (11:44) on Al-Judi which locals in the nearby village will tell you is a name given to this area as well. The main research and interest in this site started in the 1970s through the mid-1990s due to the work of American explorer and researcher, Ron Wyatt, and others including Turkish scientists. In 2014 and 2019 further independent private geophysical surveys were done again on the ark formation showing layers and interesting angular structures below the ground. The new GPR data shows parallel lines and angular structures 8 to 20 feet down. These parallel lines and right angles below the surface are something you would not expect to see in a natural, geologic formation. Interestingly, the boat formation has also been confirmed to be the exact length of the ark given in the Bible (Genesis 6:15).

Come see this special site and learn about the evidence for yourself in person. See where civilization restarted! Only on our tours do we go over all the historical research up to the most recent work done on the site.

Noah's ark (Durupinar site) - Andrew Jones drone 2020Drogue stones in Arzap village.Noah's ark tourist sign.Noah's ark (Durupinar site) - Andrew Jones drone 2020Ishak Pasha, Dogubayazit, Agri, Turkey.Noah's ark drone photo at sunset.Local village boy in Uzengili, Turkey near Noah's ark.Goats and sheep grazing near Noah's ark in the mountains of Ararat near Uzengili, Turkey.2019 Noah's ark GPR scans showing angular structures 7 meters down.2019 Noah's ark GPR scans showing angular structures 7 meters down.Sheep grazing near the foot of Mount Ararat near Noah's ark.Communion on Noah's ark! That must be a first and a special experience. We had great weather and a good view of Mount Ararat.We host tours of all sizes. 80 Americans came to see the ark during the summer of 2020. We had a special Kurdish dance team perform for them as well. Here they are visiting the drogue/anchor stones in the Village of 8 (aka Arzap village). Ron Wyatt proposed these stones to be connected to the Noah's ark story.One special tour group from Ohio and Texas came over to see the ark site in June 2020.Mount Ararat in the setting sun. This stratovolcano was formed after the flood but has become one of the traditional resting places of Noah's ark. The Bible though says the ark landed in the "mountains" (plural) of Ararat (Urartu). We believe the Durupinar boat formation is a better candidate.Mount Ararat in the setting sun. This stratovolcano was formed after the flood but has become one of the traditional resting places of Noah's ark. The Bible though says the ark landed in the "mountains" (plural) of Ararat (Urartu). We believe the Durupinar boat formation is a better candidate.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Ancient Egypt and the Exodus

The wonders of ancient Egypt. A land full of history and mystery. The land of bondage to the Israelites. Come see the museums full of artifacts and treasures, the archaeological sites of pyramids and temples and the Land of Goshen where the Isrsaelites lived.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

The Step Pyramid built by Imhotep for Pharaoh Djoser. Some believe Imhotep is Joseph. Come see the complex Imhotep built.Come join our tours!Brass mirrors on display. The Israelite women donated their mirrors for the building of the tabernacle's water laver.Ancient Egyptian sandals. During the exodus God performed a miracle and the sandals of the Israelites did not wear out during their 40 years of wandering.The gold of ancient Egypt!A chariot from ancient Egypt. During the exodus Pharaoh sent 600 of them after the Israelites. Lost them all in the Red Sea.A reed basket. The baby Moses was placed in one to hide him from Pharaoh's death decree against the Israelites baby boys.The new royal mummies exhibit at the Egyptian Civilization Museum is a must see. All the royal mummies in one location except for Tutankhamun.Land of GoshenTanis (Zoan) ruins in the Land of Goshen

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Red Sea Crossing

The Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Enjoy the beautiful coastline of the Gulf of Aqaba. Learn about the research being done there for the crossing site. Enjoy a possible boat ride out onto the waters of the blue sea. Look for chariot parts as you snorkel around. From the coast you will journey by 4×4 into the heartland of Midian on a path the Israelites could have taken as they looked for water.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

The mountains surrounding the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptSunset at Wadi Watir at the real Red Sea crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptThe winding canyon of Wadi Watir. This dry riverbed canyon is the only ancient route from the interior of the Sinai Peninsula to a large enough beach on the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) that is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Pharaoh believed the Israelites were lost and entangled in the wilderness and trapped by the sea and pursued them with his military. In the distance you can see the Red Sea and the mountains of Saudi Arabia (ancient Midian) in the distance.One of our volunteers created this computerized visualization of what it would have bene like for the pillar of cloud to have blocked the Egyptians from the Israelite camp at the Red Sea crossing beach.Our guide one day saw a rainbow at the Red Sea crossing. An amazing site!Our tour group standing next to the granite column Ron Wyatt found on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea crossing at modern day Nuweiba, Egypt. Ron believed King Solomon placed pillars at the crossing to commemorate the event.Our tour group on the Saudi side of the Red Sea crossing. Come on our tours to see both sides of the crossing!The Saudi side of the Red Sea crossing across from Nuweiba, Egypt.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Tayyib al Ism Oasis

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Tayyib al Ism Oasis

Surrounded by red-colored mountains and deep canyons this lush oasis was an ancient pit stop for weary travelers. Is this beautiful palm tree oasis with its 12 wells of water the location of Elim mentioned in the exodus journey?

Take a jeep ride deep into the coastal mountains of Midian to experience this natural wonder! You will also see some of the ancient Midianite ruins near this oasis and then travel from here to the next oasis camping spot on the exodus journey as mentioned in Numbers 33.

“Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees; so they camped there by the waters.” (Exodus 15:27)

Tayyib al Ism oasis - an important watering stop in the Land of Midian. Is this Elim?Tayyib al Ism oasis - an important watering stop in the Land of Midian. Is this Elim?Tayyib al Ism oasis - an important watering stop in the Land of Midian with 12 wells. Is this Elim?Tour group at Wadi Tayyib Ism - possible Elim oasis.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Magna oasis

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Magna oasis

Magna is a lush oasis on the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba in NW Saudi Arabia with a strong tradition of Moses being there. In the past 12 springs of water bubbled up among the palm trees and tall grass.

Across from the oasis is an ancient Midianite fortress on a hill protecting this important water source. In Saudi archaeological literature this location is listed as an important Midianite site.

“They moved from Elim and camped by the Red Sea.” (Numbers 33:10)

The oasis of Magna which still has a few springs bubbling up out of the ground.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Rock of Horeb

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

One of the most breaktaking stops in this tour is the giant split rock sitting high on a hill on the western side of the Jabal al Lawz mountain range. Is this the Rock of Horeb that Moses struck and rivers of water gushed forth for the complaining Israelites and their flocks and herds? In a desolate region with no water this rock stands out as a possible reminder to the miracles of God in the exodus journey. Climb the hill. Make your way thru the split and see the wind and water erosion marks around the base of the giant boulder! A must see stop on your journey through the Land of Midian!

“‘Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.’ And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.” (Exodus 17:6)

The split Rock of Horeb in RephidimThe split Rock of Horeb in RephidimSunset at the Split Rock of Horeb in Rephidim. Jabal al Lawz mountains in ancient Midian.

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Mount Sinai

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Mount Sinai

“And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire. Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly.” (Exodus 19:17,18)

One of the most solemn scenes described in the Bible is the giving of the law by God. From a mountaintop God spoke audibly with His people and the earth shook while fire and smoke ascended to the very heavens. Is Jabal Maqla in the mountain range of Jabal al Lawz in the Land of Midian the location of the real Mount Sinai? Are local traditions correct that this is Jabal Musa? Come see the location for yourself and explore the archaeological sites around the base of what more and more are believing to be the true Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia! Be among the few who have ventured out to this remote location now that tourist visas are available.

As you walk among the sand and boulders and gaze up upon the loftly blackened peaks ask yourself, “Did any people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and live? Out of heaven He let you hear His voice, that He might instruct you; on earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire.” (Deuteronomy 4:33,36)

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

The cow petroglyphs in front of Jabal Maqla. Is this the area the golden calf was worshipped?The cow petroglyphs in front of Jabal Maqla. Is this the area the golden calf was worshipped?A painted cow pictogram in front of Jabal Maqla. Is this the area the golden calf was worshipped?The marble sections at the base of Jabal Maqla. What were these marble pieces used for? Some saw they were the 12 pillars, yet others a shrine by King Solomon and still others Nabatean quarrying.The V-shaped stone structure at the foot of Jabal Maqla. Is this an animal corral with an altar for sacrifice? Excavations show layers of ash at one end. Is this the altar Moses built?The cave on Jabal Maqla. Is this the cave of Elijah?Looking down from the area with the tree between the two boulders to the east towards the large plain in front of Jabal Maqla.The large plain in front of Jabal Maqla (aka Mount Sinai). Did the millions of Israelites encamp here?The large plain in front of Jabal Maqla (aka Mount Sinai). Did the millions of Israelites encamp here?Jabal Maqla's southern peaks. Is this Mount Sinai in Arabia? (Galatians 4:25)

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Leaving Sinai

The Hisma Desert

Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to the Promised Land (Noah’s Ark, Urartu/Van, Urfa, Harran, Egypt, Red Sea crossing, Elim, Split Rock, Mount Sinai, Petra, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Jericho, Gilgal, Shiloh)

Your Tour Guide

Step into a thrilling adventure with Andrew Jones, your seasoned guide, who has been relentlessly investigating the exodus journey since his middle school years. Andrew’s passion ignited when he learned about Ron Wyatt’s monumental discoveries – the true Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia and the authentic Red Sea crossing at Nuweiba, Egypt on the Gulf of Aqaba.

Since 2000, Andrew has plunged into Egypt’s enchanting mystery, traversing its land numerous times. The year 2016 marked a milestone when he had the privilege to explore the sites in ancient Midian, Northwest Arabia, including the genuine Mount Sinai.

With the veil lifted, Andrew embraced the opportunity, journeying through the terrains of Midian more than 20 times, amassing over 150 days of ground-breaking exploration. By February 2020, he had embarked on solitary journeys across Midian, covering an astonishing 20,000 miles, not including his explorations of Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

Our exclusive tours offer you unparalleled access to local boats, journeying across the Red Sea crossing, offering you a unique perspective of the historical site. This immersive experience is far more than a superficial photo opportunity at Mount Sinai or the Red Sea crossing. It promises a wealth of in-depth research into the exodus route, allowing you to tread the path the Israelites would have undertaken.

These tours are brimming with invaluable information gleaned from Andrew’s hands-on experience and meticulous research. You’ll delve into the varied theories surrounding the exodus route, weighing the advantages and drawbacks of each potential camping spot during the exodus. Engage with local traditions and the latest scholarly insights into the exodus.

Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the comprehensive research conducted by Andrew and others on the exodus route in Egypt and the location of Mount Sinai. Follow in the footsteps of Moses and the Israelites as they journeyed from the Land of Goshen in the Nile Delta in ancient Egypt to the authentic Mount Sinai in ancient Midian. Witness the rumored grain pits and the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, constructed by Imhotep, who some believe to be Joseph. Experience the sites, absorb the theories, and be the judge!

Andrew Jones in Wadi Watir at the Red Sea Crossing, Nuweiba, EgyptAndrew Jones' journey across the Land of Midian from 2016-2019Noah's ark area GPS tracks up to 2020Andrew Jones at the Pyramids of Giza.Andrew Jones exploring the exodus route wadis.

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Round-trip international flights to and from the Middle East and from Turkey to Egypt are NOT included. All hotels, ground transportation, 3 meals a day + bottled water, museum and site entrance fees, domestic flights, and ferry boat from Nuweiba to Aqaba ARE included.

“Discoveries Books of Moses Tour: From Noah’s Ark to Egypt to Sinai in Arabia to Jordan to the Promised Land” 

Multi-Country Tours available Fall 2024.

Full Tour: October 28-November 30, 2024 (34 nights) (50% deposit) (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and Turkey. You will see Istanbul, Cappadocia’s underground cities and churches, Noah’s ark, Urfa (possibly Ur of Abraham’s birthplace and Job’s cave of suffering and tomb), Harran (Jacob’s well), Göbekli Tepe prepottery Neolithic ancient site, Mount Nemrut’s giant statues burial site, the pyramids, Goshen, traditional Mount Sinai, the Red Sea crossing, the split Rock of Horeb, Mount Sinai, Petra, Lot’s cave, collect brimstone aka sulfur balls on the Jordanian side, Mount Nebo, Christ’s baptism, Jerusalem, Jericho, Gilgal, Shechem, Shiloh,  among other sites. All domestic flights are included. International flights to and from the Middle East and from Israel to Turkey are not included. We can help you select the flights.)

  • Depart USA October 27, 2024.
  • Arrive in Istanbul October 28, 2024. (hotel included)
  • Tour October 29-November 30, 2024.
  • Fly home from Tel Aviv, Israel December 1, 2024.

Optional pre-tour for Cappadocia & Istanbul, Turkey is available:

  • Depart USA October 23, 2024.
  • Arrive in Istanbul October 24, 2024. (hotel included)
  • Tour October 25-28, 2024.
  • Join rest of group arriving October 28th.

The itineraries can be changed by based on ground conditions and other factors out of our control. If you have any questions you may contact us at or you can call us at +1-916-258-7092. Or write to us at: Discovered Media, ATTN: Andrew Jones, 3032 Verwood Place, Roseville, CA 95747, USA.

Exclusive: Tour participants will receive via email links to download copies of all our digital material sold on’s online store.

The right is reserved to make changes to the tour itineraries by the tour leaders as is deemed necessary. The right is reserved by the tour leaders to decline or accept any person as a tour participant. The right is reserved by the tour leaders to cancel the tour at any time due to security issues or other circumstances. and or their agents, acting only as agents for the passenger in regard to travel in any form assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of default or any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or carrying out the arrangements of the tour.

Travel in foreign countries can be dangerous. The US State Department has had a Travel Advisory in effect for US citizens traveling to different parts of the Middle East. The most recent releases can be found on the US State Department website.
Read the Travel Advisories
The tour participants listed on this form agrees that they have read the Travel Advisories and understand that they are accepting full responsibility for travel to the Middle East. does not accept responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or change in services, sickness, strike, terrorism, war, COVID-19, monkeypox, any quarantine, or other causes. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the tour participants. Registration and payment of reservation fees will be considered a request of this tour and acceptance of the terms and conditions listed here.

A 50% reservation deposit fee is due upon signing up for the tour (not including optional activities). The remaining fees will be due 60 days before your tour starts. A credit card processing fee of 3.5% will be added to all payments.
The tour costs do NOT include tour participants' round trip airfare to and from the Middle East or the one way international flight from Turkey to Egypt nor any visa fees. Payments are not tax-deductible.

Reservations canceled 31 days or more prior to departure will be subject to a refund of monies paid except for $500/person of the trip's fee. Credit card fees are also non-refundable. There are no refunds for cancellations 30 days before the tour start date of the tour you signed up to go on.

The tour participant is responsible for obtaining a valid passport and visas, and a scanned copy of the passport ID page is to be emailed to 4 weeks before the arrival date for the selected tour.
Round trip international flights to and from the Middle East and from Turkey to Egypt and any visa fees are NOT included.
All hotels, ground transportation, 3 meals a day + bottle water, museum and site entrance fees, all domestic flights in Turkey and Egypt, and ferry boat from Nuweiba to Aqaba ARE included.

Select which tour you wish to join. 50% payment due now. Prices in the drop down menus below are for 50% of the total. Remainder including credit card fees and single hotel room supplements, etc. due 60 days before start of tour:

You may also send the total amount to us via Zelle. Our email with Zelle is:

Or do a direct deposit into our bank account at a local Wells Fargo bank:

Name on account:
Andrew Jones
Checking Account Number:
2833 11 6680

Or if you need to wire our bank account from an American bank then you can use the above checking account number and the below routing number for Wells Fargo:

For international wire instructions please contact us directly at



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